Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The powder is finally here, and we took full advantage! Enjoy the pictures!

These are just a few of them... See the rest in our picasa album

Monday, January 19, 2009

A couple of days in the apartment

Saturday, sunday and monday we have not been skiing, but instead just hung around in the apartment. This is partly due to hangovers, thorlak having a cold and the weather being all grey and cloudy.

We have however been taking full advantage of the days caught inside, sleeping late, watching series and movies all day and for my part working on my exam paper as you see on the picture. Actually I'm progressing so good that I hope to give it the final touches tomorrow, and thus take reading out of reading week and only be on vacation down here for the final two weeks
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The apartment

(The pictures will be uploaded soon)
This is a tour of our home down here while we still live in comfort and bliss. In a couple of weeks we’ll be moving in with 4 other guys in a 6 person flat in the other end of town.
We have a sleeping area where the injured one (me) is located in the bottom bunk while Sune catches some altitude. We keep most of my stuff under the bed together with my humongous snowboard bag. A bag that carried all my stuff down here including 2 boards, safety gear, other equipment, food, clothes etc.
Then we have the bathroom. Small, cosy and pretty warm on account of a big and hot towel rack.
Then there is the minimalistic toilet. Simple but usefully separated from the bathroom. Especially if we would have been more people in the flat. (They say the flat could hold 4 people)
The kitchen is small but well equipped and we have made some pretty successful dinners by now. Nothing much t say about that besides that it works well for us.
The living room is directly connected to the kitchen and includes a dining area and a relaxing area (that also serves as a guest beds if you want to come and visit. This is where we throw back and enjoy some movies or read a book. Sune usually use the dining area to work on his final project for school. (One he really should get done with...)
Then there is the balcony. Big and with a somewhat good view. It also holds a couple of deck chairs that I take out into the snow during the day for some light reading while being injured. This enables me to catch some of those life-giving sunrays and feel a bit better about hanging around doing nothing.
Well that’s it really. Our home for three weeks in the snow.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Trick or treat?

Sune proclaimed yesterday that today he would do a 360. (One whole rotation) But after him realising the task at hand we realised that he was only telling half the truth. He only went for the 180. (A half rotation) So without further notion here are some video clips of his feeble attempts.

See the rest at our YouTube channel

Some of the latter ones are decent but still needs some work. He needs to go higher and eventually do some graps. But pretty good for a first time and hopefully he’ll man himself up and do the 360 within a couple of days. Tune in here later to see him in action. We are taking bets on which day it is...
Another bet you can make is when and what bone Thorlak is going to break next.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Trading pride for bruises – voluntarily

The best ideas are conceived under the influence of alcohol, and this one too. Yesterday we went out to get a few drinks and see how things were at Smithy’s, and suddenly it dawned to Thorlak that maybe he isn’t able to snowboard due to his arm, but he should be able to ski just fine. So today we got up and put on the wrong boots so to speak, and headed out on the slopes for some beginners snowboarding. At that point the only thing I was certain about regarding snowboarding, was that it was going to hurt.

Anyway, we got to the slope and I strapped on the board to my feet, wondering whether this really was such a bright idea as it had seemed the evening before. And I had some time to think it through since it took me several minutes just to get strapped in, being the novice I was. Well, I managed to secure the board to my feet, now I just had to get up and ride it downhill. Easier said than done apparently, as I had trouble just standing still on the slope. Anyway off we go and somehow I managed to end up at the bottom off the hill, taking some hits on the way down off course. Ending up down the hill turned out to be a very bad idea, since to get back up, I had to trust my life, and even worse my pride and dignity to a devilish piece of machinery: a drag lift. What is usually just a mindless routine suddenly became a mountain to climb. Well enough said really just watch the video here:

After a few more tries I got some sort of hang of it though, and the boarding became decent considering I only spent about an hour and a half on the board.


I have healed enough to take a bite from the dog that bit me.
I went back on the slopes today. This time i went on skis teaching Sune how to control the snowboard. It went really well and though I haven’t been skiing in several years I could still manage to control the skis while recording Sunes premature attempts to control the board.

It was SO good to be back on the piste! I have been out taking some footage of Sune and going to the mountain to enjoy the sceneary by foot, but this is much much better.

In the afternoon I abandoned the skis and took control of the different cameras trying to capture Sunes overdue attempts to do a 180. (A 180 is when you turn 180 degrees or half a rotation in the air) More about this in another post.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Avalanche practise

Today (the 10th) we practiced some avalanche rescue procedures. Before we went on this adventure we both bought a complete avalanche set consisting of a probe, a shovel and a beeper. The shovel needs no introduction. The probe is similar to a tent pole but extracts more quickly and is held together with a particular release system. The probe is used to locate the buried person in an avalanche once you have pinned down where to search with you beeber.
A beeper is more correctly called a transceiver, indicating that it can both transmit and receive signals. All beepers no matter what brand transmits and receives on the same frequency (457 kHz). In case an avalanche goes off, and one of your mates gets buried the rest of us will take out our beepers and switch to receiving mode. We will then sweep down the mountain in a snake like line, until we catch a signal wich we will then use to guide us toward the victim. As a rule of thumb it can take a maximum of 15 minutes to find a person, or his chances of survival drops drastically.
Of course you don't want to start figuring out how your beeper works when you actually need to find someone, so practising under more controlled circumstances is key.
We did this by taking turns in burying a backpack with a beeper somewhere near our apartment for the other one to find. The first attempt took about 20 minutes but whe we stopped a couple of hours later, we were both able to find the bag in about 3 minutes.

Of course we hope never to be in a situation where we will need this equipment, but I guess it's a bit like a car. You never hope to use the airbag neither, but it's sure good to have.
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Friday, January 9, 2009

The boy made of glass

In the last post Sune proclaims that we could have foreseen that I would get injured during our little trip. For those of you that are not familiar with my snowboarding history I’ll get you a little bit up to speed.
I poses a bad combination of stupid fearlessness and bones made of glass and since injuries in another country awards you with x-rays in hard copy I’m gathering quite a collection of them. This is the latest addition to my trophy cabinet of crushed hopes and time sitting on the bench.

My hopes of becoming a better rider breaks simultaneous with my bones and with all these setbacks I never seem to get up to my previous level. I used to be good and now I’m only chasing my past level of performance. And maybe that is what breaks me – again and again. I’m SO eager but also conscious of what I used to be able to do, that I push myself too hard too early. But I only just realised this... So this post is also a reminder to myself to take it easy.
My collection of internal body pictures includes:
Fractured cheekbone, punctured knee, left elbow busted apart, now right elbow fractured and a broken and dislocated wrist. This is from snowboarding and other winter activities at resorts around Europe and doesn’t include stupidity and bad luck that has occurred in Denmark.
But despite this setback I’m staying down here in Le France and cashing in on the charm and beauty of this place and potentially taking scenery trips to the mountaintops and catching some sunshine.
I also have great belief in my own healing capabilities and if everything goes right I’ll be back on the board – if only as camera man – before this month is over. Usually I heal pretty quickly and am left with minimum after effects. So cross your fingers and send me a healing thought. It might just be what I need.

Jump – slide – crash – break

Monday after lunch we decided to pay the park a visit to work on our rail skills. Or rather for Thorlak to work on his rail skills and for me to attain some, as I am basically all new to rails. There are some nice low and wide boxes up there for me to practice on, so I can honestly say that I have slided my first box rail now, though the stylistic impression still leaves room for improvement :-)

Thorlak who’s got a good deal of experience with rails, quickly moved on to the kink box rail, and after some practice runs actually nailed the rail in good style (See the video down below). So after taking a few more runs we decided to leave the park and hit the half-pipe for a few runs. And then it happens: Thorlak’s front edge catches the rail and he takes a nose-dive straight into the piste. Luckily he’d cleared a good part of the rail, so he didn’t hit that, and luckily he wore a helmet (we always do), so his head is still in one piece.

After this incident we decided to head down the mountain instead (it was 15.30 o’clock anyway), and when we got down Thorlak complained more about his right arm than about his head which had been his primary concern up there. Off to the doctor he goes and 2 hours later he’s back with his arm in a sling. Well we could have foreseen that Thorlak would get injured during our little trip, but the second day down here seems a bit too fast :-(

The positive side of the story (if there is one) though, is that it’s only a small fracture in one of his elbow bones, and that since it’s so uncomplicated, he doesn’t have to wear a cast, only a splint.
Whether he’ll stay down here or head home to Denmark is not yet decided, though evidently his insurance won’t pay to send him home, as there as such is no medical reason to do that.

This was of course not exactly planned, but I’ve decided to stay down here under all circumstances, if not anything else it’s a brilliant opportunity to get to know some new people. What I hope for of course though, is that Thorlak will heal up fast and be back on the mountain in about a week’s time :-)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Does the distinctive smell of puke pervade your appartment? Look behind the fridge!

Or rather beneath it. As soon as we opened the door to our appartment, we were met by a distinctive and pungent smell of puke. We rather quickly pinpointed the source to be somewhere in the kitchen, and after having our noses all the way down in the trash bin, we discovered the source of the niff to be somewhere beneath the kitchen table, where the fridge and the dishwasher (that’s right we have a dishwasher ) are located. So I pulled them out and tediously vacuumed and washed the floor. Problem solved we thought, and happily left our apartment to do some shopping and stuff.

Once again we returned to the pungent smell – this time mixed with the smell of old overheated coffee, as we had forgotten to turn the coffee maker off. Only one thing to do then, get down on all fours and do some tracker dog work. This time I centered my attention towards the fridge, and discovered that the tray intended to collect surplus coolant water was swimming with what is best described as a wommit-like substance - definitely the source of the stench. So after giving the tray an outing to the bathtub our apartment has become a whole lot more pleasant place to stay.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Packing the bag

There are many options of what gear to bring to the mountains - it all comes down to what you are going to do that particular day. Some are mandatory in specific situations and some are just extras that might come in handy. And then you have gear that you hope never to use.

Let me paint you a picture.
This is what I brought to the hill today besides clothes in multiple layers:
Back protection
Hand protection
Walkie Talkie
Snowboard lock
Compact camera

This setup was just for scouting and loosing up.

Tomorrow I’ll properly bring the same with the addition of:
Video camera
Tripod x 2
Chap stick

Then I can capture Sune doing some shredding - or trying anyway

Then when the snow falls and we are going offpiste I’ll bring the following which we never hope to use:
A showel
A beeper
A probe
Aluminium blancket
Well that’s it really – nothing else to carry...

Some days you want to keep it to a minimum. Other days you want to maximise your options on the mountain without potentially having to go back for the gear you are missing. If you e.g. see a really good video oppertunity or just want to hang around the snow park.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


We have solved our "lack of internet"-problem. We managed to find an Orange hotspot. But we can only access it from our balcony, so we will only be online for mail and updates.

The Journey

Though everything went as planned, it has been an enduring journey, dragging around with all our luggage, trying to fit it in the different trains etc. In kolding we ended up sharing our compartment with two swiss guys, a younger and an older one, who had been visiting some relatives in Sweden for the holydays. Luckily we had a 6 person compartment for the four of us, because or luggage ended up using most of the storing space and one of the beds as well. However, when we got organized in there it was quite comfy, and we were able to relax listening to music and reading, and even though Thorlak complained the bed was too short, I found it to support quite a good nights sleep, though of course I woke up lots of times from all the noises and jolts, but definitely better than would have been the case in a bus.
After almost getting off a stop too soon, we got off at Basel SBB, where we had about 35 minutes before the train for Geneva was to leave, so we took the opportunity to get us selves a welcome piece of bread, and a cup of coffee for my part as well. Brilliant!
On the train for Geneva we met a bunch of true danish rednecks, also on their way to the alps, so on behalf of the entire danish people (except the eight of them), we would like to apologize to the rest of the passengers, for their behaviour. After pulling, dragging and organizing our luggage once again were in Geneva, ready for the next leg of our journey, after a pizza and passing through French customs, which luckily wasn't manned, as I have managed to bring my old and outdated passport, instead of the current one. Bravo Sune!!!!
Anyway we got on the train to Grenoble, which was rather pleasureable, as we no longer were in company with the aforementioned jerks. In Grenoble we found a transferbus going all the way to the resort, so we along with about 90 other people all at the same time almost fought to stuff in our luggage in the luggage compartment. Thorlak in all his french experience had foreseen this, and rushed to throw his bag inside. I however only just made it after some girls more or less was thrown off the bus, and took their luggage out. Well what can I say.. HaaHaaaaaaa!
A one hour and 10 minutes drive later we were finaly standing at Les Deux Alpes, and I went out to get the keys for our appartment, which didn't give us any problems, except for the fact that it was located in the other end of the town and with a good climb uphill necessary to reach it. So a final effort had to be made before we finally checked in at 20.30. 26 hours after started our Journey in Ã…rhus.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First post!

About two and a half week ago, a sunday, when we were hung over from the night before, we decided that the best treatment would be to chill out on the couch, watching some ski and snowboardmovies. This however only served to make february the 23rd, where we originally were suppose to go, seem ages away. So jokingly we figured that we might just as well go for the whole of january. And as we all know all great decisions in history were made with hang overs, so tomorrow at 6.30 p.m. we'll start the first leg of our journey to the alps by taking the train to Kolding where the longer part of our journey starts.
From Kolding to Basel we have seats (or rather beds) in the sleeping car, meaning we'll be sleeping like babies all the way through Germany :-) Next stop is Geneva, and finally Grenoble, where we'll catch the bus to Mont des Lans which is just beneath the resort.

We hope to find some way to get internet access when we get there, so we can keep you posted.