Sunday, January 11, 2009

Trading pride for bruises – voluntarily

The best ideas are conceived under the influence of alcohol, and this one too. Yesterday we went out to get a few drinks and see how things were at Smithy’s, and suddenly it dawned to Thorlak that maybe he isn’t able to snowboard due to his arm, but he should be able to ski just fine. So today we got up and put on the wrong boots so to speak, and headed out on the slopes for some beginners snowboarding. At that point the only thing I was certain about regarding snowboarding, was that it was going to hurt.

Anyway, we got to the slope and I strapped on the board to my feet, wondering whether this really was such a bright idea as it had seemed the evening before. And I had some time to think it through since it took me several minutes just to get strapped in, being the novice I was. Well, I managed to secure the board to my feet, now I just had to get up and ride it downhill. Easier said than done apparently, as I had trouble just standing still on the slope. Anyway off we go and somehow I managed to end up at the bottom off the hill, taking some hits on the way down off course. Ending up down the hill turned out to be a very bad idea, since to get back up, I had to trust my life, and even worse my pride and dignity to a devilish piece of machinery: a drag lift. What is usually just a mindless routine suddenly became a mountain to climb. Well enough said really just watch the video here:

After a few more tries I got some sort of hang of it though, and the boarding became decent considering I only spent about an hour and a half on the board.

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